Consultation Responses

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The mandatory reporting of fraud: finding solutions and sharing best practice (infographic)

Research into the pros and cons of introducing a mandatory requirement on organisations to report fraud.

Corporate criminal liability

Response to the Law Commission’s discussion paper on corporate criminal liability, dated 30 August 2021.

14th programme of law reform

Response to the Law Commission’s consultation on its 14th programme of law reform, dated 30 July 2021.

Restoring trust in audit and corporate governance

Response to the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) consultation on restoring trust in audit and corporate governance, dated 8 July 2021.

Computer Misuse Act 1990

Response to the Home Office call for information on the Computer Misuse Act 1990, dated 11 June 2021.

Preventing fraud on social media: joint position statement April

Policy recommendations on preventing fraud on social media.

Fraud and error during the COVID-19 pandemic

Evidence to the Public Accounts Committee inquiry into fraud and error during the COVID-19 pandemic, dated 22 April 2021.

Norwich Pharmacal Orders

This guide explains the purpose of Norwich Pharmacal Orders and when they can be used to help fraud victims during investigations into wrongdoing.

Fraud: a time to choose’ progress

Response to Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 2019 on the extent to which recommendations and areas for improvement identied in its fraud report ‘fraud: time to choose’ have been implemented, dated 5 March 2021.

COVID-19 fraud risks: centralised data repository

Letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer outlining ongoing concerns about a perceived weakeness in the banking system and the need for a centralised data repository to prevent fraud against the government-backs coronavirus loan schemes, dated 3 March 2021.

Auditor’s responsibilities relating to fraud in an audit of the financial statements

Response to the Financial Reporting Council consultation on the revision of the International Standard on Auditing ISA(UK)240 (updated January 2020): ‘the auditor’s responsibilities relating to fraud in an audit of financial statements’, dated 29 January 2021

New guide to help charities avoid COVID-19 fraud

A new guide to help stop charities from failling victim to COVID-related scams has been published today.

Fraud Advisory Panel warns charities of increasing fraud risks

Charities are currently at a high risk of fraud and should take steps during International Charity Fraud Awareness Week to protect themselves, the Fraud Advisory Panel has said today.

UK justice system

This guide provides an overview of the UK justice system and explains some of the most common terms used.

Civil Fraud & Asset Recovery

This guide explains how fraud is usually dealt with under the civil law in England and Wales and how it can be used to recover losses.

Economic crime levy

Response to HM Treasury consultation on funding new government action to tackle money laundering, dated 13 October 2020

COVID-19 fraud risks: centralised data repository and crisis committee

Letter to the Minister of State for the Cabinet Office and HM Treasury on the desire to improve bank and government systems to react to fraud threats in a time of crisis in which we recommend a centralised data repository and a cross-sector crisis committee, dated 28 August 2020.

Private prosecutions

This guide explains private prosecutions and how and why a fraud victim might seek to bring one.

Proceeds of Crime Act 2002

This guide provides a general overview of UK anti-money laundering legislation and its implications for many professions and sectors.

Parallel proceedings

This guide explains the process whereby two or more potential sanctions are pursued at the same time to improve the chances of a successful outcome.

Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984

This guides sets out the powers and duties of the police and the gathering of criminal evidence.

Fraud in Scotland

This guide explains how fraud is usually dealt with under the criminal law in Scotland.

Fraud in Northern Ireland

This guide explains how fraud is usually dealt with under the criminal law in Northern Ireland.