Consultation Responses
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Fraud in England & Wales
This guide explains how fraud is usually dealt with under the criminal law in England and Wales.
Criminal Finances Act 2017
This guide provides a general overview of the law and how it can be used to tackle the proceeds of crime.
Bribery Act 2010
This guide provides an overview of UK anti-bribery legislation for those who are new to the subject.
Adequate procedures to prevent bribery and corruption
Commercial orgaanisations in the UK need to have policies and procedures to prevent bribery and corruption. Find out what these are and how you can implement them.
Slow progress in fighting fraud in 2019 gives way to new wave of COVID-19 fraud risks, warns fraud watchdog
Delays in ratcheting-up of government and law enforcement interest in fraud made 2019 a year of modest progress for UK fraud fighters, says the Fraud Advisory Panel lastest report.
Preventing charity fraud: insights and action
Research into the nature, extent and impact of fraud on the charity sector in England and Wales.
Preventing charity cybercrime: insights and action
Research into the nature, extent and impact of cybercrime the charity sector in England and Wales.
Corporate liability reform
Policy recommendations on the need for a failure to prevent economic crime offence and an independent review of the identification principle.
Corporate liabiilty reform
Letter to the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice on corporate liability reform, dated 18 September.
Corporate transparency and register reform
Response to the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) consultation on options to enhance the role of Companies House and increase transparency of UK corporate entities, dated 5 August 2019.
Economic Crime Plan
Letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer on the economic crime plan, dated 31 July 2019.
Unchecked conflicts of interest and ‘austerity’ fuelling corruption risks, says fraud watchdog
Domestic corruption risks in areas such as business, education, local governmetn and election are neglected and poorly understood because officials focus on bribery overseas, warns the Fraud Advisory Panel in its new report.