Our purpose

The Fraud Advisory Panel is the independent voice of the counter-fraud community.

We champion best practice in the prevention, detection, and deterrence of fraud, through the
promotion of education, collaboration and research.

Our members are united by a common concern about fraud and our vision:

A society that collaboratively prevents, detects and deters fraud and financial crime.

We work to achieve this through through the promotion of:

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Enhancing Awareness

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Our Corporate Members

Upcoming Events


We are delighted to welcome members and guests back in person to this year’s event. Members can choose to attend physically ‘in person’ or remotely via […]

What’s New?

An updated response to failure to prevent fraud offence

Under the current government proposal the failure to prevent fraud offence excludes a significant percentage of the business population. All businesses, whatever their size should have […]

Fraud Bulletin October 23

We are delighted to announce three initiatives designed to tackle fraud by enhancing awareness amongst wider audiences and promoting cross-sector collaboration. {{ vc_btn: title=DOWNLOAD+THE+BULLETIN&style=outline-custom&outline_custom_color=%2362930e&outline_custom_hover_background=%23666666&outline_custom_hover_text=%23ffffff&shape=square&link=url%3Ahttps%253A%252F%252Ffap2021.wpengine.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2023%252F10%252FFraud-Bulletin-October-2023.pdf }}

Fraud Bulletin July 23

We are delighted to announce three initiatives designed to tackle fraud by enhancing awareness amongst wider audiences and promoting cross-sector collaboration. {{ vc_btn: title=DOWNLOAD+THE+BULLETIN&style=outline-custom&outline_custom_color=%2362930e&outline_custom_hover_background=%23666666&outline_custom_hover_text=%23ffffff&shape=square&link=url%3Ahttps%253A%252F%252Ffap2021.wpengine.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2023%252F10%252FFraud-Bulletin-July-2023.pdf }}

Fraud Bulletin September 23

We are delighted to announce three initiatives designed to tackle fraud by enhancing awareness amongst wider audiences and promoting cross-sector collaboration. {{ vc_btn: title=DOWNLOAD+THE+BULLETIN&style=outline-custom&outline_custom_color=%2362930e&outline_custom_hover_background=%23666666&outline_custom_hover_text=%23ffffff&shape=square&link=url%3Ahttps%253A%252F%252Ffap2021.wpengine.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2023%252F10%252FFraud-Bulletin-September-23.pdf }}