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Charity fraud

Summary of a roundtable to better understand charity fraud in the UK and identify issues for further consideration and research.

Fraud in the charitable sector

Research into the nature, extent and impact of fraud on the charity sector in England and Wales.

Breach of trust: an investigation into the incidence, origins and impact of fraud in the charitable sector (summary)

Research into the nature, extent and impact of fraud on the charity sector in England and Wales.

Annual report and accounts 2009

Trust: 11th annual review 2008 – 2009

Annual review of the Fraud Advisory Panel.

Roskill revisited: is there a case for a unified fraud prosecuton office?

Review of the UK fraud prosecution landscape and the need for a Unified Fraud Prosecution Office.

Annual report and accounts 2010

Fraud reporting: a shared responsibility (summary)

Review of existing legal, regulatory, professional and ethical obligations to report corporate fraud in UK listed companies.

Fraud reporting in listed companies: a shared responsibiilty

Review of existing legal, regulatory, professional and ethical obligations to report corporate fraud in UK listed companies.

Annual report and accounts 2011

Managing the risk of fraud: 12th annual review 2010

Annual review of the Fraud Advisory Panel.

Investigating and prosecuting cases of serious and complex fraud

Investigating and prosecuting cases of serious and complex fraud

Fraud in local authorities: past, present and future

Summary of two roundtables to consider the nature and extent of fraud against local authorities in England and Wales.

Annual report and accounts 2012

The year in review: key achievements 2011

Annual review of the Fraud Advisory Panel.

The abuse of company incorporation to commit fraud

Summary of a roundtable to consider the abuse of incorporation to commit fraud and how to combat it.

Obtaining redress and improving outcomes for the victims of fraud: understanding the fraud suffered by individuals and smaller businesses

Review of research and statistics into the nature, extent and impact of fraud on people and small businesses in England and Wales.

Obtaining redress and improving outcomes for the victims of fraud: helping fraud victims recover their money through alternatives to the criminal justice system

Research into the options availble to fraud victims to recover their money through criminal justice alternatives.

Obtaining redress and improving outcomes for the victims of fraud: reseach into the professional advice given to victims of fraud trying to recover their money

Research into the professional advice given to victims of fraud tryng to recover their money.

Obtaining redress and improving outcomes for the victims of fraud: introduction to the civil justice initiative

Introduction to research into the needs, expectations and experiences of fraud victims in England and Wales.

Obtaining redress and improving outcomes for the victims of fraud: bibliography of selected works

Selected works consulted during research into the needs, expectations and experiences of fraud victims in England and Wales.

Obtaining redress and improving outcomes for the victims of fraud: main themes and recommendations

Main findings and recommendations from research into the neets, expectations and experiences of fraud victims in England and Wales.

Annual report and accounts 2013