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Draft police and crime plan for London 2017 – 2021
Response to the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) consultation on a safer city for all Londoners: draft police and crime plan for London 2017 – 2021, dated 1 March 2017.
Corporate liability for economic crime
Response to the Ministry of Justice consultation on corporate liability for economic crime call for evidence, dated 20 March 2017.
Policing priorities for the investigation of fraud
Letter to the City of London Police on policies priorities for the investigation of fraud and Home Office circular 47/2004, dated 8 February 2017.
The fraud review ten years on: a year in the life of the Fraud Advisory Panel 2015 – 2016
Annual review of the Fraud Advisory Panel.
Tackling fraud in the charity sector: a summary of conference proceedings
Summary of conference proceedings on charity fraud.
Taking an international approach to tackling fraud: the year in review 2013 – 2014
Annual review of the Fraud Advisory Panel.
Obtaining redress and improving outcomes for the victims of fraud: main themes and recommendations
Main findings and recommendations from research into the neets, expectations and experiences of fraud victims in England and Wales.
Obtaining redress and improving outcomes for the victims of fraud: bibliography of selected works
Selected works consulted during research into the needs, expectations and experiences of fraud victims in England and Wales.
Obtaining redress and improving outcomes for the victims of fraud: research into the experiences of smaller business fraud victims in recovering their money (case studies)
Research into the experiences of smaller business fraud victims in recovering their money.
Obtaining redress and improving outcomes for the victims of fraud: introduction to the civil justice initiative
Introduction to research into the needs, expectations and experiences of fraud victims in England and Wales.
Obtaining redress and improving outcomes for the victims of fraud: reseach into the professional advice given to victims of fraud trying to recover their money
Research into the professional advice given to victims of fraud tryng to recover their money.
Obtaining redress and improving outcomes for the victims of fraud: helping fraud victims recover their money through alternatives to the criminal justice system
Research into the options availble to fraud victims to recover their money through criminal justice alternatives.
Obtaining redress and improving outcomes for the victims of fraud: understanding the fraud suffered by individuals and smaller businesses
Review of research and statistics into the nature, extent and impact of fraud on people and small businesses in England and Wales.