Annual Review 2006 A4 document cover

Which way now? Evaluating the Government’s fraud review: eighth annual review 2005 – 2006

Annual review of the Fraud Advisory Panel.
Annual Review 2006 A4 document cover

Which way now? Evaluating the Government’s fraud review: eighth annual review 2005 – 2006

Annual review of the Fraud Advisory Panel.
Chairman Interviews January 2022 document cover

Interviews with chairs

Interviews with current chair Sir David Green CB QC (2022) and former chair David Clarke (2019 - 2021) about their fraud-fighting careers.
20 Years of Fighting Fraud 1998 to 2018 (WEB) Jul18 document cover

20 years of fighting fraud

Summary of the Fraud Advisory Panel's key achievements over the past two decades.
Tackling Charity Fraud Summary Report (Web) March2018 document cover

Tackling charity fraud: prevention is better than cure

Summary of conference proceedings on charity fraud.
Annual Review 2016 (FULL WEB) document cover

The fraud review ten years on: a year in the life of the Fraud Advisory Panel 2015 – 2016

Annual review of the Fraud Advisory Panel.
Tackling fraud in the charity sector conference summary WEB (February 2016) document cover

Tackling fraud in the charity sector: a summary of conference proceedings

Summary of conference proceedings on charity fraud.
Annual Review 2014 (WEB) document cover

Supporting the victims of fraud: the year in review 2014 – 2015

Annual review of the Fraud Advisory Panel.
Annual Review 2013 (WEB) document cover

Taking an international approach to tackling fraud: the year in review 2013 – 2014

Annual review of the Fraud Advisory Panel.